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News and Medical Device Packaging Insights from Pro-Tech Design & Manufacturing

The Essentials of Medical Device Packaging

The Essentials of Medical Device Packaging

On the surface, it may seem that providing proper packaging for anything is straightforward.  You need a box, maybe some packaging material, and a label.  However, when you are talking about packaging medical devices that may be implanted into a patient, it quickly...

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2022 – Making the Case for a Positive Outlook

2022 – Making the Case for a Positive Outlook

It might seem counterintuitive for some given all the negative headlines as we kick off the new year, but we have a positive outlook on 2022. Sure, supply chain issues will still be with us for a while and Covid doesn’t seem to want to go away. However, we view these...

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As we emerge from quarantine and start to resume a more normal work life in the US, it is interesting to contemplate what the return to work will look like. In many ways, it is a reset opportunity. Not to “go back to normal”, but rather to look for opportunities to...

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Protecting your medical device from design to patient

Protecting your medical device from design to patient

The ultimate purpose of Medical Device packaging is to ensure that the device is protected from damage and potentially harmful microorganisms. When the device is intended to be implanted inside a patient’s body, safety and protection are obviously paramount. With that...

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PRO-TECH Response to COVID-19

12/16/2020 Update Given the increase in COVID cases around the country, we wanted to provide an update as we close out 2020. We continue to be vigilant about cleaning, mask-wearing and social distancing protocols to keep our employees safe and to maintain operations....

Borate 2 Grand Opening!

We are excited to share that after several months of planning, painting and prep, we have officially moved our medical sewing department into our new building – Borate 2. This new space increases our total capacity by 25% and will create additional room and...