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Greg Cecconi, Operations Manager

September 10, 2019

Greg is literally, the “drumbeat” at PRO-TECH Design. Not only is he our longest serving team member (31 years!) and one of our Operations Managers, but he’s also a drummer in a rock band. As a result, he knows the value of working as a unit and setting the right tone to help others follow the same rhythm.

Greg’s done just about everything at the company. He’s worked in our machine shop, he’s done purchasing, customer service and even accounting. He’s seen us grow from a small “garage band” when there was only four people in the company to a multi-city “touring band” with over 100 employees. At each step of the journey, he’s had a positive, can-do attitude and takes pride in delivering for our customers and his teammates in everything he does.

His mentor was Dave McMaster, one of the founders of PRO-TECH, and he still cites Dave’s leadership as a strong influence on his own leadership style. He seeks to empower those who work for him and to always represent the company and the leadership team in the best way possible.

Thank you, Greg for everything you’ve done to make PRO-TECH what it is today and for carrying Dave’s leadership wisdom to the next generation of team members. Your enthusiasm and passion comes through in your music as well as your personal style. We are lucky to have you!

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