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Naga Noulla, Senior Engineer

August 17, 2020

We are pleased to introduce you to another one of our key team members this month – Naga Noulla!

Naga is a Senior Engineer and has been an important contributor to PRO-TECH’s growth over the past eight years. Originally from Hyderabad, India, Naga moved to the United States to pursue his master’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering from Cal State Northridge. One of the things he liked most about the program was the hands-on approach to engineering and the focus on applying engineering theory directly to machinery and operations.

He liked Southern California so much that he decided to stay. After a stint working in Aerospace, he made his way to PRO-TECH and has brought a wealth of knowledge in not only engineering but also lean manufacturing.

Naga’s expertise and willingness to flexibly apply his skills to ever-changing situations has enabled the company to grow its capabilities in assembly, lean manufacturing, and packaging design. In fact, when Naga joined the company, PRO-TECH did not perform many assembly projects. Today, with his help, sterile assembly has grown into a significant percentage of the services we provide for our customers.

Naga enjoys the freedom that comes with working at PRO-TECH. He appreciates the opportunity to work with a wide variety of customers and to design and build packaging solutions to meet the unique needs of each. He is very good at determining the most efficient method to assemble a certain device, saving customers time and money. And, he particularly enjoys seeing the fruit of his efforts help transform early-stage start-ups into leading companies in their industry.

When not in the office, Naga enjoys hiking, going to the beach, and even sky diving with his wife. Plus, he drives a cool car that you’ll have to ask him about.

Join Naga Noulla, Senior Engineer

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