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Jose Santa Cruz, Machine Operator

August 1, 2019

We’d like to introduce you to Jose Santa Cruz. He’s part of the foundation of PRO-TECH Design and has worked with us for over 30 years!

Since he’s been at the company, he’s seen us grow from a small, start-up to an international company with over 100 employees. He’s seen the company expand into three locations along the way and has contributed to our growth and success throughout his tenure.

Jose is symbolic of the type of associates we have at PRO-TECH – loyal, flexible and willing to pitch-in wherever necessary. He started in the machine shop and has worked in just about every segment of our business, including most recently in the sewing division helping to create customized medical device wearables, carrying cases and pouches.

We appreciate team members like Jose, who are willing to do whatever it takes to make customers happy and the team successful. He greets everyone with a smile and is respected by his co-workers and management alike.

Jose is the proud father of four grown children and is grandfather to four more.

Thank you, Jose for your many years of service to PRO-TECH and our customers! We couldn’t do it without associates like you!

Join Jose Santa Cruz, Machine Operator

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