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Brad Meeuwsen, Sales & Business Development

July 26, 2021

As one of PRO-TECH Design’s key sales leaders, Brad is the face of the company to many of our customers. He takes the time to understand each customer’s needs and figures out customized assembly, packaging, and sterilization options to solve their individual situations.

Brad started his packaging career at a vendor where he used to call on PRO-TECH as one of his customers. The ownership liked and respected him so much that they asked him to join the company rather than call on them. The opportunity came at a time when Brad was also looking for a new challenge, and approximately nine years later it’s been a great fit.

The environment has really changed since Brad first joined the company. Back in the early days, most customers would come to PRO-TECH with a packaging design already established and they just needed someone to package and sterilize. Today, our process and capabilities have evolved to the point where many of our engagements include procuring components, assembling the product, and designing the full packaging for customers. Brad is at the center of that process and has become an expert in developing custom solutions that fulfill the unique situation of each customer.

When Brad joined the company, he had to build his client list from scratch. Since then, he has helped take more than 50 customers from concept to commercial success. Throughout the journey, Brad becomes a counselor, guide, packaging expert, and cheerleader. One of the things he enjoys most is the variety that comes with solving the unique problems of each of his customers

When not meeting with customers, Brad enjoys boating with family and friends. On the weekends, you can often find him on a lake somewhere pulling an innertube full of kids.

Brad, thank you for your dedication to PRO-TECH’s customers and for the time and effort you put in to help them successfully launch and protect their products. You are a true champion for your customers and embody the concept of Customer First. We appreciate all that you bring to the company and are lucky to have you on our team.

Join Brad Meeuwsen, Sales & Business Development

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